Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The question I get the most on our web-site is about tattoo pricing.

That is a hard question to answer via E-mail because there are too many variables that a tattoo artist has to take in to consideration. Tattoos vary in price based on size, location, how complex the design is, how difficult the tattoo is and how much time it will take to apply the tattoo. As you can see without talking to you, it is nearly impossible to give a price estimate. Our Shop Min is $40 and our average hourly rate is $100. If you are getting a large piece, 3 hours +, that hourly rate goes down. You can call to make a consolation appointment or come into the store a talk to an artist about your ideas.

A huge help for the artists is reference material. The more pictures that you can show the artist of your design the better. Lets say you want a goldfish in a lily pond, but you want the fish to have fancy fins, long eyelashes, spots and you want the lily to be a certain shape, bring in pictures with those qualities. The artist can put all of them together in one picture to create your desired piece of art. Most of the time you can talk to an artist and get the tattoo in the same day (as long as it is not a sleeve, back piece, and they have time). If they are too busy, they will take your information/reference material, notes from the consultation, schedule you an appointment for a future date and have you come back when the drawing is ready to tattoo.

BODYTECH charges fair prices for quality work. Come in and talk to one of our atrist today!

Monday, May 24, 2010

New to the Blogging Scene

I hear so much about how great blogging is. So I am going to attempt to get on here once a week publish something about the tattooing and piercing industry, myths about tattoos, some tattoo history, pictures of some shop tattoos, bios of our artists and anything else that might pop into my mind. If you have any suggestions for a topic, please post it...