Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Perfect reason not to get BOGO tattoo

this is the original pic, this is the tattoo that was done. So Sad!

Good Tattoos aren't Cheap, and Cheap Tattoos aren't good

So that is how the saying goes. In the 50's this saying was in every tattoo shop that you entered, and there is a bit of truth to it. I personally think that it means that you don't have to pay out the nose for a tattoo, but it is a mark that will be with you forever and will cost a bit more then the bogo can of peas that you just got at Publix. I know at in these economic times everyone is looking to save some money, hell I use coupons and look for deals whenever I can. My question is what things should you never look for a deal on? A few come to mind for me right away: Plastic Surgery, Dentist,Hookers, Attorney, Handymen, and Tattoos. I am sure we could come up with a ton more if we tried. LOL
I know that at this shop if you want a good quality tattoo, and you are on a budget...come in and talk to one of the artist , show them what you are looking to get, tell them how much you have and they will make it fit your budget. It make all of us here pissed to think that people calling themselves artists are jacking people up without a care for the person getting the tattoo. We care! All of the artists here are just that ARTISTS who value the art that they are putting on you. The last thing that they would like is for you to have a shit tattoo that you are telling people came from them.